Praise Be To God The Father and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Had an amazing weekend that was highlighted by 2 "MasterCard Moments!"
On Saturday, I was able to catch some of R's Futbol Match! The halftime whistle had just blown and as he was walking off the field during the break in action, he caught my eye and sprinted straight towards me, leaping into my arms for a hug that I will replay in mind for ages to come!
On Sunday, Jeffrey and I went to go and pick up Sweet Eyes from the we walked in, the door swung open...Like a crowd at a Thanksgiving day sale, all the kids busted out of the door in full sprint! Of course, one special champ stood out among the group, it was Sweetness! As we made eye contact she came sprinting straight towards us, jumping into my arms with a BIG 'ol smile that could light up the sky!
Wow! As I think about these moments, I think of Influence. If you were to ask me what Influence looks like, I would say it looks like your nephew in his soccer uniform and your niece in her sweet sweater-like green dress, sprinting towards you and jumping straight into your arms!
This is not to brag on my part at all, what I am saying is that Influence is based on relationships. Time Invested relationships instead of time obligated relationships. I am Blessed by God Almighty to be able to spend so much time with them and it is my Prayer that I am influencing them in The Name of Jesus Christ!
They have Influence on me probably more than I have Influence them. They have totally changed my out look on relationships and how important they are to human survival. And it is only because of the time we spend together, the rich time we spend together, that reactions such as seeing someone and wanting to sprint and jump into their arms occurs!
R and Sweet Eyes, thank you for these "MasterCard Moments!" God-Willing, I Pray for many more! I am extremely Blessed that we have this type of sprint-jumping-hugging relationship!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For Sprint-Jumping-Hugs! For Blessed travels and Health, G's emceeing of Miss MSU Pageant, his "team" travel to see the Dogs on Homecoming and for each and all's endeavors and opportunities! For Mom being courageous in her new job! It's Amazing how God opens up opportunities and Leads us into new Promise Lands on a daily basis! Harooh!
Joyful: For the opportunity to Influence and to be Influenced by our God-Ordained Family!
Prayerful: To Influence others for Jesus Christ! For the development of "Nuby" and His Healthy Birth! To have sprint-jumping-hugs with him! For W's carrying and delivery of "Nuby as well as their recovery!" I Pray to witness each family give "Nuby" a huge hug and kiss on his birthday! I Pray For Jeffrey's "Spartan-Leadership" with his family and his ministries and his school, Church-Planting, Ordination, book writing. For Sweetness and her "15 Month Birthday! continuing to grow in life and being a source of God's Light!" For Dad's opportunites and Faith, Mom's new opportunities and Courage, for G's Lion Chasing and Discovery, J-Lo's School and Work and Peace, and for R's and S's joy and discovery of life each new day! For Phil and Mary's healing and work! For a Blessed wrap up of October with the costume-soup party, a God-Ordained November and Thanksgiving celebration, and a December to wrap up an Amazing 2008 by celebrating the Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Christmas Day! Then... to live a Dangerously Faithful, Trailblazing, Risk-Taking, Christ-Following 2009 as we God-Willing welcome in the New Year with family, food, football and fun! For Andy, Jefferson Jesus, & Mathias to become leaders of men, representing Christ and raising their villages and people out of poverty and into the destiny they have been created to live through Jesus Christ! For my interview and God-Appointed acceptance into Medical School!
For unspoken Prayer Requests!
Just Say The Word Lord, To God Be The Glory! In Jesus Name! Amen!
Goo'day mate!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Be Imitators Of God
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children...(Ephesians 5.1 NIV)
What-A-Great Day began by having the opportunity to teach Sunday School and then Worship with TheFam! PX!
Then came home and did some drawings, played some guitar, and listened to some "Wild Goose Chase" podcasts!
I then was Blessed with the opp to hang out with TheFam and experience the joy of being with my Niece all day! Through her, God has "fleshed" out what Ephesians 5.1 is all about!
She teaches me all about God...His mercy, grace, joy, power, and love. She shows me that God is definitely the Carpenter of Creation...she reminds me that God is full of Joy as she is running around the house in pure innocence and living up every second of the day!
She teaches me how God is always reaching out to hug us as she extends her sweet little arms that are filled with mighty power as she wraps them around your neck!
The sound of her laugh, the curiosity in her eyes, and the celebration in her voice...the speed of her running, the creativity of what she can do with found items, and the sweetness of her life all point to God Almighty! We are reflected in His Image and nothing could be more representative of that than the pureness of a child!
She also teaches me about relationships. She brings us so much joy; I Pray we do the same for her, I believe we do for I am confirmed by this every time she smiles! We need to always be ready to put her first, thus we put aside our fact, our desires become what she desires...we spend so much quality time with her, that is what builds can't just tell someone you love them, you must spend time with them, and then when you are with them, you must enjoy being with them, don't just spend time with them out of obligation, they will see right through it. Invest your life in them. My niece actually makes that easy for me, she is so cool!
It's the same way with our relationship with Christ, the more time we spend with Him, the more our desires become what He desires, and then we can have our lives molded and shaped in order for us to be answers to His Prayers.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For time invested with "Sweetness"
Joyful: For our Family, for life, for our health, and for Christ showing us what life in the full (John 10.10) looks like through the eyes of MaNiece
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's God-Sized Accomplishments...For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, his tests this week, for his Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request, and career pursuits...
For us all to be 'Trailblazers' in our given professions and life endeavors
Praise Be To God For Jeffrey's Ministry! - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Thank You Lord God for Speaking through Jeff everyday and please continue to do so every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)
Goo'day mate!
What-A-Great Day began by having the opportunity to teach Sunday School and then Worship with TheFam! PX!
Then came home and did some drawings, played some guitar, and listened to some "Wild Goose Chase" podcasts!
I then was Blessed with the opp to hang out with TheFam and experience the joy of being with my Niece all day! Through her, God has "fleshed" out what Ephesians 5.1 is all about!
She teaches me all about God...His mercy, grace, joy, power, and love. She shows me that God is definitely the Carpenter of Creation...she reminds me that God is full of Joy as she is running around the house in pure innocence and living up every second of the day!
She teaches me how God is always reaching out to hug us as she extends her sweet little arms that are filled with mighty power as she wraps them around your neck!
The sound of her laugh, the curiosity in her eyes, and the celebration in her voice...the speed of her running, the creativity of what she can do with found items, and the sweetness of her life all point to God Almighty! We are reflected in His Image and nothing could be more representative of that than the pureness of a child!
She also teaches me about relationships. She brings us so much joy; I Pray we do the same for her, I believe we do for I am confirmed by this every time she smiles! We need to always be ready to put her first, thus we put aside our fact, our desires become what she desires...we spend so much quality time with her, that is what builds can't just tell someone you love them, you must spend time with them, and then when you are with them, you must enjoy being with them, don't just spend time with them out of obligation, they will see right through it. Invest your life in them. My niece actually makes that easy for me, she is so cool!
It's the same way with our relationship with Christ, the more time we spend with Him, the more our desires become what He desires, and then we can have our lives molded and shaped in order for us to be answers to His Prayers.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For time invested with "Sweetness"
Joyful: For our Family, for life, for our health, and for Christ showing us what life in the full (John 10.10) looks like through the eyes of MaNiece
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's God-Sized Accomplishments...For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, his tests this week, for his Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request, and career pursuits...
For us all to be 'Trailblazers' in our given professions and life endeavors
Praise Be To God For Jeffrey's Ministry! - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Thank You Lord God for Speaking through Jeff everyday and please continue to do so every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)
Goo'day mate!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Rev. Jeff!
"It's not about doing...It's About Being...We need to stop 'doing' our devotionals and start 'BEING' with Jesus!" ~Jeff Nesbit~
Before it was even 1015 hours on this Sunday morning, I was already Blessed beyond measure! I had the opportunity to hear Jeffrey speak The Inspired Living and Breathing Word of God and have Jesus revealed to me (Galatians 1.15-17) in such an incredible new perspective!
"Rev. Jeff" taught CUMC and myself this morning that our Devotionals are not something we do, just one more thing to add to our task list, but rather it is Being With Jesus! If we were to take guitar lessons for 1 hour/day with John Mayer as opposed to 1 hour/week, people would be able to tell we have been with a master guitar player. So it is with our lives. When we spend an hour a day Being with Jesus instead of only an hour a week doing church, people will tell we have been with The Master! Thanks Champ! Jesus has rocked my world through you again, you are always making me better!
Later we had lunch with the NesbitNucleus @ at one of our favorite Italian bistro's! Now I am about to go and ace mcat studies!
Praise God! I look forward to the rest of this great day God-Willing! Soli Deo Gloria!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For being able to hear MaTwin Preach The Word of God!
Joyful: For a new Perspective of Devotions. I want to Be with Jesus instead of doing devotionals.
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's Travels this week... Praise to God The Healer For Dad and myself healing from our colds...For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request...
Praise God For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to being together and healthy for it! For many more Birthday's and all days now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity!
Praise Be To God For Jeffrey's Sermon this morning! - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Thank You Lord God for Speaking through Jeff this morning and please continue to do so every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)
Goo'day mate!
Before it was even 1015 hours on this Sunday morning, I was already Blessed beyond measure! I had the opportunity to hear Jeffrey speak The Inspired Living and Breathing Word of God and have Jesus revealed to me (Galatians 1.15-17) in such an incredible new perspective!
"Rev. Jeff" taught CUMC and myself this morning that our Devotionals are not something we do, just one more thing to add to our task list, but rather it is Being With Jesus! If we were to take guitar lessons for 1 hour/day with John Mayer as opposed to 1 hour/week, people would be able to tell we have been with a master guitar player. So it is with our lives. When we spend an hour a day Being with Jesus instead of only an hour a week doing church, people will tell we have been with The Master! Thanks Champ! Jesus has rocked my world through you again, you are always making me better!
Later we had lunch with the NesbitNucleus @ at one of our favorite Italian bistro's! Now I am about to go and ace mcat studies!
Praise God! I look forward to the rest of this great day God-Willing! Soli Deo Gloria!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For being able to hear MaTwin Preach The Word of God!
Joyful: For a new Perspective of Devotions. I want to Be with Jesus instead of doing devotionals.
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's Travels this week... Praise to God The Healer For Dad and myself healing from our colds...For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request...
Praise God For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to being together and healthy for it! For many more Birthday's and all days now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity!
Praise Be To God For Jeffrey's Sermon this morning! - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Thank You Lord God for Speaking through Jeff this morning and please continue to do so every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)
Goo'day mate!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Happy 1st Birthday Kate Gray!
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The LORD is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made.
~Psalm 145:13 (New International Version)~
The Lord is Amazing and Praise Him for His Promise of Kate Gray and the gift of celebrating her 1st Birthday today with the fam!
Happy Birthday Kate Gray! What a Blessed day and what a great way to celebrate life and share experiences by celebrating "The KG's" 1st Birthday!
The day was filled with excitement, anticipation, and energy! Mom watched KG while Jeff and I went to get balloons and Birthday cake! Whit and Mary were getting the house ready and then we all met up, the whole fam, Lamar and Jean met up with everybody and it was great to see how everyone played a role...
Bryan & Taser: "The Grillin' Guru's" - Chief Responsibility: to grill the stew out of some mean Ballpark wieners and sausage links. They did great, even had the "photo-esque" grill marks on the the hot dogs!
Lamar: "Lemon-Lime Lamar" - Chief Responsibility: to assemble the snow cone machine and then crank out the sweetest shaved iced snow cones ever. Despite the 102 degree heat, Lamar displayed the Calm, Cool, & Collected nature of a true Shaved-Ice Champion!
Jeff &: "The Popcorn Poppers" - Chief Responsibility: to assemble the popcorn machine and pop "Movie-Style" popcorn! Jeff and ___ were able to make the game-time decision of whether or not the machine was an "Air-Popper" or an "Oil Popper." I am amazed at how they handled the situation. Like defusing a bomb under time pressure, they were able to remain poised and composed and determined that it was an "Air-Popper." Because of their fearless determination, kids of all ages were able to enjoy "Movie-Style" popcorn all afternoon!
Mary and Whit: "The Design Duo" - Chief Responsibility: to create an ethos of party celebration. From huge banners to Clowns and Carnival-like atmosphere, "The Design Duo" came through again as they displayed their "And Then Some" abilities to create an awesome environment and set the tone for KG's First Birthday! They even had cotton candy and animal crackers for gifts!!!
CeCe: "The Secret Service" - Chief Responsibility: To watch over and play with The Birthday girl, making sure she was fed, dressed, and rested in preparation for her BIG day! CeCe is a highly trained specialist in this field with over 30 years experience in giving her life to benefit the lives of those she loves!
Phil: "The Recovering Ranger" - Chief Responsibility: To Recover from major back surgery, yet make occasional appearances; His appearances included being the "first on the scene" in order to prepare the grill for wiener roasting! Phil's composure and ability to zone out pain was remarkable. Recovering from back surgery and even having to walk with a walker, Phil was still determined to play a part in one of his favorite past-times: Ballpark Hot Dog Grilling!
Hanz & Franz: "The Transporters" - Chief Responsibility: To Transport precious cargo: the balloons (4 colors, blue/red/yellow/green) and the cakes ( 2 cakes: Cake 1 - KG's personal "1" cake; Cake 2 - The Cake for all, titled "Happy 1st Birthday Kate Gray"). With surgeon-like precision and Indiana Jones-like timing, Hanz & Franz were able to deliver the cargo in prime condition!
With everyone coming together as a team and celebrating life, the afternoon came together in a unified whole complete with fun and family; swimming and snow coning; eating and excitement!
Part II of the afternoon, We were able to witness Kate Gray's first Birthday cake experience! With her hat and bib on, she "destroyed" her first birth cake in true reckless abandon "Kate Kong" fashion!!! (See picture above)! She then opened presents with Metro Dad Jeffrey while Warrior Princess Whitney filmed it all on the CamCorder!!!
Wow! I could write on this forever! Tons of pics, tons of fun, tons of video, tons of excitement, tons of experiences and memories to put in my heart-pocket forever! God-Willing, I look forward to many more birthday celebrations for KG and our family!
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Amen! JIL! Amen! PX!
Blessings and ONE Prayers
Jeff and CeCe had the Holy Spirit Filled idea to receive Prayer's and Blessings for Kate Gray from each family member and friend who contribute. Jeff is going to collect them in a Prayer Box and Pray through them each and every day with and for Kate Gray! What an amazing idea!
CeCe hand-made the most beautiful Prayer Cross and a 7-day Prayer Booklet, saturated with The Word of God! So cool to see how creative and artistic CeCe is and to witness the love that she put in to make what I know God will Bless in the lives of KG's and our Fam! The Spirit led me to make "Prayer Cards" in the fashion of "topps" Football cards, 1983 Vintage-Style, complete with stats of KG and Blessings and ONE Prayers for her! Taser got a Prayer book from Lifeway I believe, I want to see it!
What a cool and amazing Blessing to Pray these Prayers and Blessings for Kate Gray for her whole life...she is covered in Prayer and The Hand of God is upon her 24/7/365 as we have the honor and privilege to Pray for her in this way. What a sense of vision and purpose she is going to have as she Prays these Prayers with Jeff, Whit, Nuby, CeCe, Taser, Phil & Mary, Bryan, Rach, Rusty, Stevie, and our entire Family. I cant wait to Pray them for her and with her! Praise You God for Your Presence in all of our lives! Amen!
I will close with Psalm 127.3 (MSG)...I Pray this in Thanksgiving for Kate Gray, for Nuby and the Promise of He/She, and for future Nesbit's God-Willing!
Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don't stand a chance against you;
you'll sweep them right off your doorstep.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For an Amazing 363 day journey as we have watched KG grow and develop. God-Willing, I look forward to Monday, for an Amazing 365 day journey, and then into the future as God Blesses us to live the full lives that Jesus wants for us (see John 10.10 NIV)!
Joyful: For God's Promises and The Fulfillment's of Psalm 145.13 & Psalm 127.3
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's Travels this week... Praise to God The Healer For Dad and myself healing from our colds... For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request...
Praise God For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to being together and healthy for it! For many more Birthday's and all days now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity! For Jeffrey's Sermon tomorrow morning - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Speak through Jeff tomorrow morning and every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)
Goo'day mate!
~Psalm 145:13 (New International Version)~
The Lord is Amazing and Praise Him for His Promise of Kate Gray and the gift of celebrating her 1st Birthday today with the fam!
Happy Birthday Kate Gray! What a Blessed day and what a great way to celebrate life and share experiences by celebrating "The KG's" 1st Birthday!
The day was filled with excitement, anticipation, and energy! Mom watched KG while Jeff and I went to get balloons and Birthday cake! Whit and Mary were getting the house ready and then we all met up, the whole fam, Lamar and Jean met up with everybody and it was great to see how everyone played a role...
Bryan & Taser: "The Grillin' Guru's" - Chief Responsibility: to grill the stew out of some mean Ballpark wieners and sausage links. They did great, even had the "photo-esque" grill marks on the the hot dogs!
Lamar: "Lemon-Lime Lamar" - Chief Responsibility: to assemble the snow cone machine and then crank out the sweetest shaved iced snow cones ever. Despite the 102 degree heat, Lamar displayed the Calm, Cool, & Collected nature of a true Shaved-Ice Champion!
Jeff &: "The Popcorn Poppers" - Chief Responsibility: to assemble the popcorn machine and pop "Movie-Style" popcorn! Jeff and ___ were able to make the game-time decision of whether or not the machine was an "Air-Popper" or an "Oil Popper." I am amazed at how they handled the situation. Like defusing a bomb under time pressure, they were able to remain poised and composed and determined that it was an "Air-Popper." Because of their fearless determination, kids of all ages were able to enjoy "Movie-Style" popcorn all afternoon!
Mary and Whit: "The Design Duo" - Chief Responsibility: to create an ethos of party celebration. From huge banners to Clowns and Carnival-like atmosphere, "The Design Duo" came through again as they displayed their "And Then Some" abilities to create an awesome environment and set the tone for KG's First Birthday! They even had cotton candy and animal crackers for gifts!!!
CeCe: "The Secret Service" - Chief Responsibility: To watch over and play with The Birthday girl, making sure she was fed, dressed, and rested in preparation for her BIG day! CeCe is a highly trained specialist in this field with over 30 years experience in giving her life to benefit the lives of those she loves!
Phil: "The Recovering Ranger" - Chief Responsibility: To Recover from major back surgery, yet make occasional appearances; His appearances included being the "first on the scene" in order to prepare the grill for wiener roasting! Phil's composure and ability to zone out pain was remarkable. Recovering from back surgery and even having to walk with a walker, Phil was still determined to play a part in one of his favorite past-times: Ballpark Hot Dog Grilling!
Hanz & Franz: "The Transporters" - Chief Responsibility: To Transport precious cargo: the balloons (4 colors, blue/red/yellow/green) and the cakes ( 2 cakes: Cake 1 - KG's personal "1" cake; Cake 2 - The Cake for all, titled "Happy 1st Birthday Kate Gray"). With surgeon-like precision and Indiana Jones-like timing, Hanz & Franz were able to deliver the cargo in prime condition!
With everyone coming together as a team and celebrating life, the afternoon came together in a unified whole complete with fun and family; swimming and snow coning; eating and excitement!
Part II of the afternoon, We were able to witness Kate Gray's first Birthday cake experience! With her hat and bib on, she "destroyed" her first birth cake in true reckless abandon "Kate Kong" fashion!!! (See picture above)! She then opened presents with Metro Dad Jeffrey while Warrior Princess Whitney filmed it all on the CamCorder!!!
Wow! I could write on this forever! Tons of pics, tons of fun, tons of video, tons of excitement, tons of experiences and memories to put in my heart-pocket forever! God-Willing, I look forward to many more birthday celebrations for KG and our family!
Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Amen! JIL! Amen! PX!
Blessings and ONE Prayers
Jeff and CeCe had the Holy Spirit Filled idea to receive Prayer's and Blessings for Kate Gray from each family member and friend who contribute. Jeff is going to collect them in a Prayer Box and Pray through them each and every day with and for Kate Gray! What an amazing idea!
CeCe hand-made the most beautiful Prayer Cross and a 7-day Prayer Booklet, saturated with The Word of God! So cool to see how creative and artistic CeCe is and to witness the love that she put in to make what I know God will Bless in the lives of KG's and our Fam! The Spirit led me to make "Prayer Cards" in the fashion of "topps" Football cards, 1983 Vintage-Style, complete with stats of KG and Blessings and ONE Prayers for her! Taser got a Prayer book from Lifeway I believe, I want to see it!
What a cool and amazing Blessing to Pray these Prayers and Blessings for Kate Gray for her whole life...she is covered in Prayer and The Hand of God is upon her 24/7/365 as we have the honor and privilege to Pray for her in this way. What a sense of vision and purpose she is going to have as she Prays these Prayers with Jeff, Whit, Nuby, CeCe, Taser, Phil & Mary, Bryan, Rach, Rusty, Stevie, and our entire Family. I cant wait to Pray them for her and with her! Praise You God for Your Presence in all of our lives! Amen!
I will close with Psalm 127.3 (MSG)...I Pray this in Thanksgiving for Kate Gray, for Nuby and the Promise of He/She, and for future Nesbit's God-Willing!
Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don't stand a chance against you;
you'll sweep them right off your doorstep.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For an Amazing 363 day journey as we have watched KG grow and develop. God-Willing, I look forward to Monday, for an Amazing 365 day journey, and then into the future as God Blesses us to live the full lives that Jesus wants for us (see John 10.10 NIV)!
Joyful: For God's Promises and The Fulfillment's of Psalm 145.13 & Psalm 127.3
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's Travels this week... Praise to God The Healer For Dad and myself healing from our colds... For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request...
Praise God For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to being together and healthy for it! For many more Birthday's and all days now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity! For Jeffrey's Sermon tomorrow morning - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Speak through Jeff tomorrow morning and every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)
Goo'day mate!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Answered Prayers!
Ps 86.1-4 TNIV
Hear me, LORD, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
I love the LORD, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Jeff, Whit, Nuby, and TeamCopperhill returned safely, CC had an awesome and healthy appt, I am feeling better (Praying for Taser to feel better), aced mcat studies and made major pearl integration...woke up to KG and Jeff with Whit and Nuby, Prayed for Mom and Dad as they headed off for the appt...
then, after Mom's appt, she is so amazing, we all gathered together for brunch CC style, and dude! can you say cheese grits infused with chicken broth, 3-cheese egg omelette, 2 pieces of honey agave ezekiel! Dude!
I love hanging with the fam and celebrating over an amazing meal! great way to celebrate life with Jeff, Whit, KG, and Nuby's return and CC's Healthy appt! Praise God with every liter of oxygen my lungs inhale and exhale with!
Dinner! Take a look at the pic....the only thing is this: Praise God for the 5 senses, but I must say, to do justice with the gift of sight, you must taste and smell this meal, Mexican chicken tortilla casserole with organic corn mixed with peppers and onion, salad with organic ranch, slivered almonds, mozzarella...Praise God supplying through Taser and Serving through CC!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For Jeff, Whit, Nuby and TeamCopperhill's return! For CC's Healthy appt!
Joyful: For Brunch with the fam! For seeing KG in her WonderWoman onesie!
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery. For Bryan's Travels back into town. For Dad and myself to heal up and for everyone else to stay healthy. For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to be together and healthy for it and many more now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity!
Goo'day mate!
Hear me, LORD, and answer me,
for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;
save your servant who trusts in you.
You are my God;
have mercy on me, Lord,
for I call to you all day long.
Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
for I put my trust in you.
I love the LORD, for he heard my voice;
he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live.
Jeff, Whit, Nuby, and TeamCopperhill returned safely, CC had an awesome and healthy appt, I am feeling better (Praying for Taser to feel better), aced mcat studies and made major pearl integration...woke up to KG and Jeff with Whit and Nuby, Prayed for Mom and Dad as they headed off for the appt...
then, after Mom's appt, she is so amazing, we all gathered together for brunch CC style, and dude! can you say cheese grits infused with chicken broth, 3-cheese egg omelette, 2 pieces of honey agave ezekiel! Dude!
I love hanging with the fam and celebrating over an amazing meal! great way to celebrate life with Jeff, Whit, KG, and Nuby's return and CC's Healthy appt! Praise God with every liter of oxygen my lungs inhale and exhale with!
Dinner! Take a look at the pic....the only thing is this: Praise God for the 5 senses, but I must say, to do justice with the gift of sight, you must taste and smell this meal, Mexican chicken tortilla casserole with organic corn mixed with peppers and onion, salad with organic ranch, slivered almonds, mozzarella...Praise God supplying through Taser and Serving through CC!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For Jeff, Whit, Nuby and TeamCopperhill's return! For CC's Healthy appt!
Joyful: For Brunch with the fam! For seeing KG in her WonderWoman onesie!
Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery. For Bryan's Travels back into town. For Dad and myself to heal up and for everyone else to stay healthy. For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to be together and healthy for it and many more now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity!
Goo'day mate!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sweet Niece!
That's Right! KG is Awesome and so sweet! Take a look at her eating Bananas! How Sweet is that!
Jeff and TheWhit and Nuby returned tonight, God-Willing in about an hour and half, (It's 2207 hours now) or perhpas at Midnight! PX! Praise God for safe and fun travels, and for an awesome time of fellowhsip! I trust for a Gen 28.15 Reuniting...I know KG is going to be PUMPED!
I am looking so forward to going and picking them up! PX for the reunion! PX for a Blessed travels and experiences! I can't wait to hear about the trip and about Jeff's Sermon and Devo and how Whit and Nuby rocked everyone's world!
Jeff's Sermon is about Leaving The Shallow and going Deeper with Jesus Christ! About the difference b/t being Taught vs Caught! Read the Sermon here and get prepared to be Caught by Christ..."Leaving The Shallow: Taught Or Caught"
His Devo is amazing as well!...I will upload it to the blog, and when I do, I will post the link for it!.....His Devo talks of when Jesus met up with The Samaritan women at the well, told in John 4:1-42...Jesus was saying to her, "If You Only Knew..." Man, that blows my mind, I can hear him saying that to me now, to us different would we live our lives if "We only knew?" The Awesome thing is that we can know, and that is what Christ wants...that is when we become Caught!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For being able to keep KG since Saturday! For Jeff and Whit and Nuby's return God-Willing!
Joyful: For Blessed experiences for TeamCopperhill and for the lives saved through the trip
For family and health and joy and opportunity...for risk taking...for being Caught by Christ!
Prayerful: For TeamCopperhill's safe arrival. For Mom's appt in the morning. For Phil's Recovery. For Bryan's Travels back into town. For Dad and myself to heal up and for everyone else to stay healthy. For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to be together and healthy for it and many more now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen!
Goo'day mate!
Jeff and TheWhit and Nuby returned tonight, God-Willing in about an hour and half, (It's 2207 hours now) or perhpas at Midnight! PX! Praise God for safe and fun travels, and for an awesome time of fellowhsip! I trust for a Gen 28.15 Reuniting...I know KG is going to be PUMPED!
I am looking so forward to going and picking them up! PX for the reunion! PX for a Blessed travels and experiences! I can't wait to hear about the trip and about Jeff's Sermon and Devo and how Whit and Nuby rocked everyone's world!
Jeff's Sermon is about Leaving The Shallow and going Deeper with Jesus Christ! About the difference b/t being Taught vs Caught! Read the Sermon here and get prepared to be Caught by Christ..."Leaving The Shallow: Taught Or Caught"
His Devo is amazing as well!...I will upload it to the blog, and when I do, I will post the link for it!.....His Devo talks of when Jesus met up with The Samaritan women at the well, told in John 4:1-42...Jesus was saying to her, "If You Only Knew..." Man, that blows my mind, I can hear him saying that to me now, to us different would we live our lives if "We only knew?" The Awesome thing is that we can know, and that is what Christ wants...that is when we become Caught!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For being able to keep KG since Saturday! For Jeff and Whit and Nuby's return God-Willing!
Joyful: For Blessed experiences for TeamCopperhill and for the lives saved through the trip
For family and health and joy and opportunity...for risk taking...for being Caught by Christ!
Prayerful: For TeamCopperhill's safe arrival. For Mom's appt in the morning. For Phil's Recovery. For Bryan's Travels back into town. For Dad and myself to heal up and for everyone else to stay healthy. For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to be together and healthy for it and many more now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen!
Goo'day mate!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Grace Not Guilt!
I have been Praying for God to show me what He wants to do within me so He can Bless what is around me and for me to be an instrument for Him to work through and Man, does He answer BIG time!
His Answers so far....1. Start Risking, 2. Stop Hiding, 3. Receive His Grace
He has led me to amazing discussions with Jeff, Books Like Lion Chaser, Matthew 25...I have been blogging like crazy and BAM! Jeff's blogs about "Where are you?" and Where are you? Part II have punched me in the core! Not a coincidence either! God's timing is AMAZING!
Here is a post on my thoughts inspire from Jeff's "Where are you?" series and how he led me to study risk from Matthew 25...
Close To Comfort, Far From God?
Time To Invest:Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain
Grace Not Guilt
Major Devo time with TheJeff today! All of this "Take Risks," "Stop Hiding," "Receive Grace," stirring of The Holy Spirit really hit an exclamation point today when Jeff told me how to receive "Grace Not Guilt!" What a "3 AM" statement and a statement I will remember for Eternity! Holy Spirit speaking through you Jeffrey! Praise God For You BroTwin! BrewBro! Whoo!
It comes down to this: when past sins creep up in your mind, satan, being the loser accuser that he is, tries to make you feel so guilty and so worthless by making you think about them and remember them... But the Law Of Perspective says to change your thinking...Instead of focusing on your past sins and drowning in guilt, let them be a reminder of God's Amazing Grace, Motivating you to receive His Grace and to live for Him now and forevermore with Dangerously Faithful Reckless Abandon!
Track, Studies, RDB!
Blessed Day indeed! The Beast and I ran an open 800m in 2 mins 37 sec and and 2 mins 25 sec respectively, absolutely amazing when we were shooting for a 2 min 50 secs! We are going to set a Tuesday series of 800's and shoot for a goal of an open 800m in 2.00 mins! God-Willing, it will happen! Amen!
Sermon Prep and Studies, knocking it out! Jeff preparing for His "Deeper" Sermon that is going to rock the house! Lord speak through Jeffrey that all who see and hear him, see and hear You, may all be saved!
RDB MSG style! Got to love the foam! Great Pouring today Jeffrey, as usual! Harooh!
KG and Mathias
Finished up the day with work and studies, ordered some vitamin D3, had sweet tater, chicken, and lima beans compliments of CC....then, played with KG, Prayed over her while she slept, and hung out with TheFam when Jeff came over to pick up his wonderful daughter! Praise God!
Viewed Video of KG eating Bananas with Whit and Jeff! Absolutely Amazing! Going to put the clips in KG's Birthday Video! Dude, it is going to Rock! KG is so Beautiful, I had to post 4 still frames from the video to her awesome blog...Bananas KG Style!
Read 2 letters from Mathias...Blows my mind how we can be connected! Praise God for technology and mail! The dude just turned 4 on June 21...sent him $ for a birthday present and he was able to buy a synthetic fleece jacket with it...his tutor said it was an amazing blessing...he drew me two pictures and sent me an updated photo of himself! I must scan it in a post it soon!...He wants to know Mom and Dad's name so he can Pray for them...uh....can you say "MasterCard Moment!" Thank you God for Mathias (and Jefferson) and their Families Lord, Save them, use them, stir their souls to live for you and change Peru! To You Be The Glory!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: Grace not guilt, KG's smile and the sound of her voice; for "Kate Kong!" CC's Multi-Tasking, Taser's ability to put food on our table! For the health and camaraderie of family!
Joyful: For having the Blessed opportunity to be an answer to one of Jeffs' LC goals of seeing someone experience Salvation in a new way! I owe you BIG Time Jeffrey! Joyful that Mathias has a new fleece jacket and for his updated photograph!
Prayerful: For our family to know of God's Grace, for KG and her upcoming Birthday, for Mathias, Jefferson and their Families. For Team Copperhill, that The Word of God would spread rapidly and be honored and a whole 2 Thess 3 Prayer for them! Mom and Whit's Appt, Phil's Recovery, Dad's business deals, Bryan's travels to SC next week, Jeff's Preaching and Writing, all of our travels, my mcat acing (Slinging My Stone, Time To Scrub In!)
Goo'day mate!
His Answers so far....1. Start Risking, 2. Stop Hiding, 3. Receive His Grace
He has led me to amazing discussions with Jeff, Books Like Lion Chaser, Matthew 25...I have been blogging like crazy and BAM! Jeff's blogs about "Where are you?" and Where are you? Part II have punched me in the core! Not a coincidence either! God's timing is AMAZING!
Here is a post on my thoughts inspire from Jeff's "Where are you?" series and how he led me to study risk from Matthew 25...
Close To Comfort, Far From God?
Time To Invest:Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain
Grace Not Guilt
Major Devo time with TheJeff today! All of this "Take Risks," "Stop Hiding," "Receive Grace," stirring of The Holy Spirit really hit an exclamation point today when Jeff told me how to receive "Grace Not Guilt!" What a "3 AM" statement and a statement I will remember for Eternity! Holy Spirit speaking through you Jeffrey! Praise God For You BroTwin! BrewBro! Whoo!
It comes down to this: when past sins creep up in your mind, satan, being the loser accuser that he is, tries to make you feel so guilty and so worthless by making you think about them and remember them... But the Law Of Perspective says to change your thinking...Instead of focusing on your past sins and drowning in guilt, let them be a reminder of God's Amazing Grace, Motivating you to receive His Grace and to live for Him now and forevermore with Dangerously Faithful Reckless Abandon!
Track, Studies, RDB!
Blessed Day indeed! The Beast and I ran an open 800m in 2 mins 37 sec and and 2 mins 25 sec respectively, absolutely amazing when we were shooting for a 2 min 50 secs! We are going to set a Tuesday series of 800's and shoot for a goal of an open 800m in 2.00 mins! God-Willing, it will happen! Amen!
Sermon Prep and Studies, knocking it out! Jeff preparing for His "Deeper" Sermon that is going to rock the house! Lord speak through Jeffrey that all who see and hear him, see and hear You, may all be saved!
RDB MSG style! Got to love the foam! Great Pouring today Jeffrey, as usual! Harooh!
KG and Mathias
Finished up the day with work and studies, ordered some vitamin D3, had sweet tater, chicken, and lima beans compliments of CC....then, played with KG, Prayed over her while she slept, and hung out with TheFam when Jeff came over to pick up his wonderful daughter! Praise God!
Viewed Video of KG eating Bananas with Whit and Jeff! Absolutely Amazing! Going to put the clips in KG's Birthday Video! Dude, it is going to Rock! KG is so Beautiful, I had to post 4 still frames from the video to her awesome blog...Bananas KG Style!
Read 2 letters from Mathias...Blows my mind how we can be connected! Praise God for technology and mail! The dude just turned 4 on June 21...sent him $ for a birthday present and he was able to buy a synthetic fleece jacket with it...his tutor said it was an amazing blessing...he drew me two pictures and sent me an updated photo of himself! I must scan it in a post it soon!...He wants to know Mom and Dad's name so he can Pray for them...uh....can you say "MasterCard Moment!" Thank you God for Mathias (and Jefferson) and their Families Lord, Save them, use them, stir their souls to live for you and change Peru! To You Be The Glory!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: Grace not guilt, KG's smile and the sound of her voice; for "Kate Kong!" CC's Multi-Tasking, Taser's ability to put food on our table! For the health and camaraderie of family!
Joyful: For having the Blessed opportunity to be an answer to one of Jeffs' LC goals of seeing someone experience Salvation in a new way! I owe you BIG Time Jeffrey! Joyful that Mathias has a new fleece jacket and for his updated photograph!
Prayerful: For our family to know of God's Grace, for KG and her upcoming Birthday, for Mathias, Jefferson and their Families. For Team Copperhill, that The Word of God would spread rapidly and be honored and a whole 2 Thess 3 Prayer for them! Mom and Whit's Appt, Phil's Recovery, Dad's business deals, Bryan's travels to SC next week, Jeff's Preaching and Writing, all of our travels, my mcat acing (Slinging My Stone, Time To Scrub In!)
Goo'day mate!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ideas and Inspiration!
Blessed Are You Lord Our God Who Brings Forth Bread From Heaven!
Just got done eating a Fruit Meal created by CC...Strawberries, Blueberries, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew, Pineapple, and an amazing Mango Cake topped with French Vanilla Yogurt, Chocolate Chips, Walnuts, Cashews, Slivered Almonds, and Wheat Germ...
My only regret, I DID NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF IT!!! Uh! But Praise God, It was soooo Good!
Man, this morning and through the afternoon, The Lord Blessed me with amazing work, studies and then Jeffrey came over and we all shared Mexican Shade Grown Organic, Rich, Dark, and Bubbly Style!
We watched the intro to KG's Birthday movie, like Jeff says, it knocks our socks off! I Pray for Aug 4 that we are all Healthy to celebrate, and to celebrate on Aug 2 due to the leap year Birthday! Whoo!
CC and Jeff came up with an amazing idea for the fam to all write a "Blessing" Letter that KG can look back on and read. A unifying idea The Lord Blessed Jeff with is for us all to come up with a Prayer for her. Each person develops a Prayer for KG..."Lord, Make KG....."
Man, I cant wait to read and Pray over all of these for our Warrior Princess...I cant wait for her to read them, giving her a sense of destiny and an instinct to be a Lion be Saturated in The Holy Spirit and to never know a day without Jesus as Her Lord and Savior!
Jeff and I then hit the track for one of THE MOST INTENSE Kamikaze day's ever!
On the way home, we discussed Jeff's passion for writing Christian Fiction! Amazing! I am so pumped to see how The Lord is going to speak to the world through him! Jeff you are so creative and so passionate, The Lord has given you these qualities for a reason! He is going to BLOW your mind with how He writes through you! Lord, speak to and through Jeff, what story Lord?...What Characters? Use Him Lord, Inspire Him Lord, Write and Speak through him Lord! Lead Jeff to the references and resources to train him! Whoo! Thank You Lord!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For Creativity, Thanks be to The Carpenter of Creation!
Joyful: For ideas, Inspiration, Opportunity, and Passion for life!
Prayerful: Taser's duties tonight, Jeff's writing, KG's Birthday, Jeff's Retreat and Gen 28.15 Reuniting, Phil's Recovery, Mom's appt on 23rd, Whit's appt in August, Bill, Amanda, and Sam. Bryan's Travels to SC next week! Praise God! Jesus Saves! Lord, Just Say The Word! Amen!
Goo'day mate!
Just got done eating a Fruit Meal created by CC...Strawberries, Blueberries, Bananas, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew, Pineapple, and an amazing Mango Cake topped with French Vanilla Yogurt, Chocolate Chips, Walnuts, Cashews, Slivered Almonds, and Wheat Germ...
My only regret, I DID NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF IT!!! Uh! But Praise God, It was soooo Good!
Man, this morning and through the afternoon, The Lord Blessed me with amazing work, studies and then Jeffrey came over and we all shared Mexican Shade Grown Organic, Rich, Dark, and Bubbly Style!
We watched the intro to KG's Birthday movie, like Jeff says, it knocks our socks off! I Pray for Aug 4 that we are all Healthy to celebrate, and to celebrate on Aug 2 due to the leap year Birthday! Whoo!
CC and Jeff came up with an amazing idea for the fam to all write a "Blessing" Letter that KG can look back on and read. A unifying idea The Lord Blessed Jeff with is for us all to come up with a Prayer for her. Each person develops a Prayer for KG..."Lord, Make KG....."
Man, I cant wait to read and Pray over all of these for our Warrior Princess...I cant wait for her to read them, giving her a sense of destiny and an instinct to be a Lion be Saturated in The Holy Spirit and to never know a day without Jesus as Her Lord and Savior!
Jeff and I then hit the track for one of THE MOST INTENSE Kamikaze day's ever!
- 1 x 350 in 50 secs, 90 secs rest (26 secs for the first 200!)
- 1 x 200 in 26.5 secs
On the way home, we discussed Jeff's passion for writing Christian Fiction! Amazing! I am so pumped to see how The Lord is going to speak to the world through him! Jeff you are so creative and so passionate, The Lord has given you these qualities for a reason! He is going to BLOW your mind with how He writes through you! Lord, speak to and through Jeff, what story Lord?...What Characters? Use Him Lord, Inspire Him Lord, Write and Speak through him Lord! Lead Jeff to the references and resources to train him! Whoo! Thank You Lord!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:
Thankful: For Creativity, Thanks be to The Carpenter of Creation!
Joyful: For ideas, Inspiration, Opportunity, and Passion for life!
Prayerful: Taser's duties tonight, Jeff's writing, KG's Birthday, Jeff's Retreat and Gen 28.15 Reuniting, Phil's Recovery, Mom's appt on 23rd, Whit's appt in August, Bill, Amanda, and Sam. Bryan's Travels to SC next week! Praise God! Jesus Saves! Lord, Just Say The Word! Amen!
Goo'day mate!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I don't know what word, really, to described today. I just finished reading Brad's recent posts to this site...blows me away!
Whitney and I were blessed by God, the GOD-WHO-SEES-US Genesis 16:13
Thankful: for God's mercies on Bryan's flight; for incredible check-up and sono for Nuby and Whitney; for family and food; for the Holy Bible and all the different translations; for the opportunity to pray for persecuted Christians in China during the Olympics (sign up here and you get free "pray for China" bracelet!)
Joyful: to be able to buy bottle water that supports clean drinking water for others ( (
Prayerful: the 40 Psalms!
Goo'day mate!
I don't know what word, really, to described today. I just finished reading Brad's recent posts to this site...blows me away!
Whitney and I were blessed by God, the GOD-WHO-SEES-US Genesis 16:13
- He allowed us to "see" NUBY! AWESOME GOD! 1 inch of sweetness is in Whitney's stomach. Father, we trust You for her/his development and Whitney's pregnancy, delivery, post pregnancy health and as well!
- Incredible day at the track: "Step downs": 1 x 400 (Pre's); 1 x 300 (Pre's); 1x200 (Pre's); 1x100(Pre's)
- Chased KG around the house ALL NIGHT! The chick has intense robust energy! Praise the Holy Spirit!
- Had watermelon for dinner!
- Ate 4.5 of CC's incredible oatmeal cookies! Oh Man food!
- Hung out with CC, Bradley, Whitney at the Nes hotel!
- God spoke to me again in the book of Habakkuk!
- So ready for tomorrow's workout with Hanz and this weekend with the fam!
Thankful: for God's mercies on Bryan's flight; for incredible check-up and sono for Nuby and Whitney; for family and food; for the Holy Bible and all the different translations; for the opportunity to pray for persecuted Christians in China during the Olympics (sign up here and you get free "pray for China" bracelet!)
Joyful: to be able to buy bottle water that supports clean drinking water for others ( (
Prayerful: the 40 Psalms!
Goo'day mate!
2 Corinthians 1:20 (New Living Translation)
Yes! For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.
God has Promised Jeff and TheWhit Children (Ps 145.13)....KG being the Intense Answer to this Prayer and now today, He has confirmed His promise again as they had an Amazing and Healthy check-up and Sonogram!!! PX! I Can't wait to upload the photos! Whoo! 1 Inch Nuby at this stage, God's Glory reflected in one inch of pure GRACE! Harooh!
Culinary Chris
CC did it again! Exquisite Salmon Cakes atop a field green salad, accompanied with Organic Corn and Black Bean Salsa, and a Soul Stirring Serving of Championship Cheese Grits, extra creamy! Harooh! Being Blessed to Bless others takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to the Culinary Gifts of CC!
I had just finished warming up for the day of training and I got Jeffro's message on maPhone. The dude fired me up, I called him back, he said he did Stepdown's Pre-Style! PX! Just talking to the dude makes me better! I went out on the track with more intensity and was ready for RACE MODE!
Goal: Speed Endurance day, training at 85% Max
* 1 x 600 = 1 min 39 secs, 10 min rest
* 1 x 400 = 62 secs
Celebration Of Nuby!
Oh yes, going back to my intro paragraph, Jeff and Whit (carrying Nuby with her!), came over and hung out with CC and me, we shared Oatmeal Cookies, looked at Nuby on the sonograms, talked about life, & Praised God!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For new life and for how Amazing God is, how Faithful He is! For Bryan's blessed travels back in town today, and for continued travels back and forth to SC!
Joyful: For a new family member! Go Nuby Go! Whoo! Praise God for the opportunity of welcoming you into TheFam! JIL! Amen!
Prayerful: Blessed Pregnancy for Whit and Jeff, for KG to welcome in her new Bro or Sis, I cant wait to see them hug! For Dad's duties tonight. For unspoken health.
Goo'day mate!
Yes! For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.
God has Promised Jeff and TheWhit Children (Ps 145.13)....KG being the Intense Answer to this Prayer and now today, He has confirmed His promise again as they had an Amazing and Healthy check-up and Sonogram!!! PX! I Can't wait to upload the photos! Whoo! 1 Inch Nuby at this stage, God's Glory reflected in one inch of pure GRACE! Harooh!
Culinary Chris
CC did it again! Exquisite Salmon Cakes atop a field green salad, accompanied with Organic Corn and Black Bean Salsa, and a Soul Stirring Serving of Championship Cheese Grits, extra creamy! Harooh! Being Blessed to Bless others takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to the Culinary Gifts of CC!
I had just finished warming up for the day of training and I got Jeffro's message on maPhone. The dude fired me up, I called him back, he said he did Stepdown's Pre-Style! PX! Just talking to the dude makes me better! I went out on the track with more intensity and was ready for RACE MODE!
Goal: Speed Endurance day, training at 85% Max
* 1 x 600 = 1 min 39 secs, 10 min rest
* 1 x 400 = 62 secs
Celebration Of Nuby!
Oh yes, going back to my intro paragraph, Jeff and Whit (carrying Nuby with her!), came over and hung out with CC and me, we shared Oatmeal Cookies, looked at Nuby on the sonograms, talked about life, & Praised God!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For new life and for how Amazing God is, how Faithful He is! For Bryan's blessed travels back in town today, and for continued travels back and forth to SC!
Joyful: For a new family member! Go Nuby Go! Whoo! Praise God for the opportunity of welcoming you into TheFam! JIL! Amen!
Prayerful: Blessed Pregnancy for Whit and Jeff, for KG to welcome in her new Bro or Sis, I cant wait to see them hug! For Dad's duties tonight. For unspoken health.
Goo'day mate!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
"The Rock" Is In The House!
I echo Jeff in saying, "God Is Faithful!" I never new that the domino effect of bed bugs would create such a positive outcome! Of course, I Praise Christ that Jeff and his fellow troops are strong and healthy, but it is so cool how we can turn a negative into a positive!
*It has allowed Jeff and TheWhit to drive around together since they are sharing a car
*It has allowed us to learn how to defeat the idiots so that we will be protected in the future
*It provided me one of the greatest mornings of my life today!Since Jeff is without a vehicular
apparatus until it gets sprayed, I was fortunate to go and pick him up and then go train...Here are some Highlights and MasterCard Moments, all occuring before it was even 0930 hours...
Man, can't wait for tomorrow, I love waiting with expectation to see how The Lord works!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: Making the best of every situation, KG's Robustness for Life!
Joyful: Prayer with and for TheFam; Intense Track training with TheBro! Home Cooking!
Prayerful: Health requests unspoken and Praises for Amazing Health! For Amazing Health to be able to do all Christ has called us to do for Him, displaying His Bright Glory and fulfilling down to the last detail His Mission through us! What an Honor! JIL! Amen!
Hey listen to this, Exodus 23.25-26, God Almighty tells us this: "I'll make sure you live full and complete lives."
So go and live today to the fullness and completeness He gives us! Soli Deo Glori!
Goo'day mate!
*It has allowed Jeff and TheWhit to drive around together since they are sharing a car
*It has allowed us to learn how to defeat the idiots so that we will be protected in the future
*It provided me one of the greatest mornings of my life today!Since Jeff is without a vehicular
apparatus until it gets sprayed, I was fortunate to go and pick him up and then go train...Here are some Highlights and MasterCard Moments, all occuring before it was even 0930 hours...
- Prayer Time and Discipleship Moments with Jeff, my ChristFollowing Mentor
- Hang out time with my Niece, Praise God for Her! We played, "I'm Gonna Get You" and "Where Is KG?" She is so amazing, she is running around the house, cool blue knit (collar up) with blue jeans and white shoes, she is "Robust With Life!"
- Seeing Extreme Generosity lived out in the life of KG...she is so cool, a cool Warrior Princess who understands this principle at such a young soon as I walk in, she gives me a HUGE smile, runs over to her toy basket, pulls out a toy, and offers it to me to play with! Wow! What a Generous Host!
- Seeing Her go behind the curtain to play "Where Is KG?" Rocked my have that kind of dialogs and make a connection with her shows me the importance of human relationships
- Intense Prayer of The Psalms with Jeff and KG, for KG and TheFam, The Psalms specifically mentioned being "Robust With Life!" KG is the prime example of this!!! PX!
- Intense Prayer and training on the track with "TheAnimal" Tempo training included:
- 1 x 300 in 44 sec, 1 min rest
- 1 x 300 in 50 sec, 1 min rest
- 1 x 200 in 27 sec
Man, can't wait for tomorrow, I love waiting with expectation to see how The Lord works!
In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation (Psalm 5.3 NIV)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: Making the best of every situation, KG's Robustness for Life!
Joyful: Prayer with and for TheFam; Intense Track training with TheBro! Home Cooking!
Prayerful: Health requests unspoken and Praises for Amazing Health! For Amazing Health to be able to do all Christ has called us to do for Him, displaying His Bright Glory and fulfilling down to the last detail His Mission through us! What an Honor! JIL! Amen!
Hey listen to this, Exodus 23.25-26, God Almighty tells us this: "I'll make sure you live full and complete lives."
So go and live today to the fullness and completeness He gives us! Soli Deo Glori!
Goo'day mate!
God and food,
Hanz and Franz,
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Lion Chaser Tuesday!
Praise the Lion of Judah!
Had another incredible "Lion Chaser" study with guys! Talked about being "risk" takers in the Kingdom of God (2 Samuel 23; Matthew 25)! Based off of the chapter in Mark's book and the Holy Spirit's prayers for me, I am going to write some life goals and pray to accomplish everyone of I was thinking about the goals, God has enabled me to have already accomplish many of them...maybe I will post about them soon!
- Had a great time driving with my wife and daughter to the day care and office...sharing one car can be such a great bonding's the case of God taking something stressful...bed bugs and making something blessed and eternal through it! Thank You Father!
- Wow! Intense 3x200m with Animal!
- Kia dealership went the "and then some" with the engine! Another shout out to God for early detection...He is faithful in answering this prayer for health and safety countless of times!
- Praise God for a healthy lab result for moma! Thank You Almighty Physician!
- Praise God for safe plane travels for Bryan and car travels for us all...Dad went New Orleans!
- Incredible "D-moments" with Brad! As always...the guy is on fire for the One who is a "Consuming Fire"!
- Shared Mexican Shade Grown with moma! My family was so generous with food, love, and taking me places today!
Thankful: for such a 'great day'; for God's protection on the people of Peru and Team Peru from the 6.0 earthquake; for the above praises!
Joyful: for God putting His Spirit within us and causing us to "burn" for the passions He has placed within us
Prayerful: for my family and the students to become Lion write, pray through, and fulfill life, Scriptural based goals...goals that only Lion Chasers would write and dare to see become a reality; to become a "risk taker" for the Kingdom of God
Goo'day mate!
Monday, July 7, 2008
God is faithful
I just can't get over God's faithfulness!
Had a great drive to the daycare and to work with Whitney (sharing a car)!
Incredible workout with Bradley!
Incredible post-workout meal! Naner smoodie...Mexican Shade Grown...grits...moma's oatmeal!
Caught up on some blog reading!
Did some Luke 5 study!
Took the Kia in for oil change...PRAISE GOD...they told us the Kia had a RECALL on the engine! Taking it in tomorrow morning to get worked on!
Picked up Whit and KG...watched 10,000 B.C....watermelon...yogurt...mixed berries for dinner!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for a family who cares for me; for God promising and giving me an amazing and indescribable wife and daughter! For His promise for future children and Jeremiah 29:11!
Joyful: for food, opportunity to pay have the ability to walk, talk, run, read, etc.
Prayerful: for a Lion Chaser July (along with Brad)! For health unspoken! For the faith of Jesus; the faith of Hebrews 11; the faith of Habakkuk; the obedience of Jesus in Philippians 2; for the vision of God
Had a great drive to the daycare and to work with Whitney (sharing a car)!
Incredible workout with Bradley!
Incredible post-workout meal! Naner smoodie...Mexican Shade Grown...grits...moma's oatmeal!
Caught up on some blog reading!
Did some Luke 5 study!
Took the Kia in for oil change...PRAISE GOD...they told us the Kia had a RECALL on the engine! Taking it in tomorrow morning to get worked on!
Picked up Whit and KG...watched 10,000 B.C....watermelon...yogurt...mixed berries for dinner!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for a family who cares for me; for God promising and giving me an amazing and indescribable wife and daughter! For His promise for future children and Jeremiah 29:11!
Joyful: for food, opportunity to pay have the ability to walk, talk, run, read, etc.
Prayerful: for a Lion Chaser July (along with Brad)! For health unspoken! For the faith of Jesus; the faith of Hebrews 11; the faith of Habakkuk; the obedience of Jesus in Philippians 2; for the vision of God
Wanna have a GREAT DAY??
I love the commercials by Southwest Airlines--"Wanna Get Away?" No explanation...if you have a Tee Vee, you knows what I beez talkin' about...
Question--"Wanna have a GREAT DAY?" If so, I "strongly encourage" you to go and not just read, but to meditate, feast, breath in and out, and live my twin bro's recent blogs on!
You can go to that site...and really, read anything by "Justin"...God will ROCK your world through his writings...but if you want the direct links to his recent posts, here they be:
Extreme Generosity!
Seize Your Divine Moments*
"And Then Some"
Highlight Reel & Master Card Moments
"What's Next?" Prayer, Part II
"What Next?" Instead of "What If?"
Have a GREAT DAY in Jesus! Glory to God the Father...breath in the Holy Spirit!
Question--"Wanna have a GREAT DAY?" If so, I "strongly encourage" you to go and not just read, but to meditate, feast, breath in and out, and live my twin bro's recent blogs on!
You can go to that site...and really, read anything by "Justin"...God will ROCK your world through his writings...but if you want the direct links to his recent posts, here they be:
Extreme Generosity!
Seize Your Divine Moments*
"And Then Some"
Highlight Reel & Master Card Moments
"What's Next?" Prayer, Part II
"What Next?" Instead of "What If?"
Have a GREAT DAY in Jesus! Glory to God the Father...breath in the Holy Spirit!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Never Flinch!
Praise God for a Wonderful Sabbath Day!
1000: Church, Worship with The Fam...Majorly Blessed to Receive Communion from Jeff MaTwin! Made a Commitment to live by Isaiah 53:11, where Jesus looked death in the face yet never flinched! This may have to be my new "War Cry" or Creed: "Never Flinch!"
1200: Lunch with The Tribe Sushi style, but I decided to have only Miso soup; then came back to the crib and had CC Spaghetti!
1300 - 1400: Aced a Biology Test on Eukaryotic Cell!
1430 - 1800: Developed KG Trailer
1900: Had the best flounder of my life, with amazing corn and lima beans, compliments of CC, of course :)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For The Body and Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to be able to take Remembrance in what He did for my family, my community, myself, this world; To Worship with family in freedom and in peace; to take Communion from MaTwin Bro! Whoo! Harooh!
Joyful: For seeing MaTwin Bro back in town! When he came up to us in Church this morning and squeeze MaShoulder it gave me a new burst of energy! Whoo!
Prayerful: For an Amazing Lion Chasing July! Blessed travels and Journey's For Jeff's Trip, for our Fam in all that we do and everywhere we go. For Health Requests upsoken! PX, JIL, AMEN!
1000: Church, Worship with The Fam...Majorly Blessed to Receive Communion from Jeff MaTwin! Made a Commitment to live by Isaiah 53:11, where Jesus looked death in the face yet never flinched! This may have to be my new "War Cry" or Creed: "Never Flinch!"
1200: Lunch with The Tribe Sushi style, but I decided to have only Miso soup; then came back to the crib and had CC Spaghetti!
1300 - 1400: Aced a Biology Test on Eukaryotic Cell!
1430 - 1800: Developed KG Trailer
1900: Had the best flounder of my life, with amazing corn and lima beans, compliments of CC, of course :)
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For The Body and Blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to be able to take Remembrance in what He did for my family, my community, myself, this world; To Worship with family in freedom and in peace; to take Communion from MaTwin Bro! Whoo! Harooh!
Joyful: For seeing MaTwin Bro back in town! When he came up to us in Church this morning and squeeze MaShoulder it gave me a new burst of energy! Whoo!
Prayerful: For an Amazing Lion Chasing July! Blessed travels and Journey's For Jeff's Trip, for our Fam in all that we do and everywhere we go. For Health Requests upsoken! PX, JIL, AMEN!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 11th! Happy 4th! Gen 28.15!
Genesis 28:15
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
Praise God, Jeff had amazing travels to, journey's within, and a Gen 28.15 Reuniting back home with the fam!
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
Praise God, Jeff had amazing travels to, journey's within, and a Gen 28.15 Reuniting back home with the fam!
I know and I believe that The Message of The Lord was spread rapidly and it was honored (2 Thessalonians 3:1) during his time there with TeamNashville!
Great celebration of July 4th with the fam, I love getting together with everyone for the 3 F's...Food, Family, Fun...Everybody wanted Jeff back for the party, but Praise God he made it back soon afterwards and is probably hugging his two Warrior Princesses right now and Praying over his Newbie(s)!
Speaking of Warrior Princesses, not only did we celebrate the 4th, we also celebrated the 11th on the 4th! SweetPea celebrated her 11 Month Birthday Celebration today! Man, she was walking, waving, and worshiping all over the place today, she is so full of life....
Some highlights of SweetPea today:
• She was in the pool with Phil and a bunch of us were hanging out under the overhang, it was like we were the audience and she was on center stage, she turns and looks at all of us with a Huge Smile and starts waving, making eye contact with everyone!!!
• Waking up while we were on our way out. She is so sweet right when she wakes up. She "bear hugs" Mom and Dad and lays her head right down on their shoulder, totally content and happy to be with Taser and CC!
• See her kick her legs and swim with Whit spot swimming with her...SweetPeas is FEARLESS!
• The Picture I got of her! Had to MultiMedia it to Jeffrey for his drive home so he could have a pic of her on her 11th Celebration! See above pic! PX! Amen!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For Jeff's Return and how God worked through and in Jeff and TeamNashville!; SweetPea's 11th; Freedom, Founding Fathers, and Fighters of America! For G's and Whit's Healing!
Joyful: Red, White, Blue...Family and The Promise of New Family!
Prayerful: For Fam to be together Healthy and Strong for SweetPea's One Year Birthday! For CC's appt to be all good and healthy! For Jeff's healing of the bed bugs! Mom and Dad's Travels Tomorrow!
Great celebration of July 4th with the fam, I love getting together with everyone for the 3 F's...Food, Family, Fun...Everybody wanted Jeff back for the party, but Praise God he made it back soon afterwards and is probably hugging his two Warrior Princesses right now and Praying over his Newbie(s)!
Speaking of Warrior Princesses, not only did we celebrate the 4th, we also celebrated the 11th on the 4th! SweetPea celebrated her 11 Month Birthday Celebration today! Man, she was walking, waving, and worshiping all over the place today, she is so full of life....
Some highlights of SweetPea today:
• She was in the pool with Phil and a bunch of us were hanging out under the overhang, it was like we were the audience and she was on center stage, she turns and looks at all of us with a Huge Smile and starts waving, making eye contact with everyone!!!
• Waking up while we were on our way out. She is so sweet right when she wakes up. She "bear hugs" Mom and Dad and lays her head right down on their shoulder, totally content and happy to be with Taser and CC!
• See her kick her legs and swim with Whit spot swimming with her...SweetPeas is FEARLESS!
• The Picture I got of her! Had to MultiMedia it to Jeffrey for his drive home so he could have a pic of her on her 11th Celebration! See above pic! PX! Amen!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For Jeff's Return and how God worked through and in Jeff and TeamNashville!; SweetPea's 11th; Freedom, Founding Fathers, and Fighters of America! For G's and Whit's Healing!
Joyful: Red, White, Blue...Family and The Promise of New Family!
Prayerful: For Fam to be together Healthy and Strong for SweetPea's One Year Birthday! For CC's appt to be all good and healthy! For Jeff's healing of the bed bugs! Mom and Dad's Travels Tomorrow!
A Generous and Faithful God
My first "whata-greatday" post since I left for Nashville Mission trip!
Just got down catching up on Bradely's "whata-greatday" posts. Bradley, seriously, those posts are God-ordained and Spirit Alive! Jesus "burned" my heart as I read them! We'll talk about 'em soon, God willing!
Let me tell you how generous and faithful God is. It has been said that if all the good things Jesus did on earth were recorded, there would not be enough books to contain them. So it is with God's generosity and faith. Not enough room in this post. However, here are some bullet points:
-Answered our fam's prayer for Genesis 28:15 reunion and Psalm 121...Psalm 5 and 91
-All healthy
-Gave me strength to drive 7 hours despite being up 'til 330am with a high school student in the E.R. (God saved him BIG TIME by the way :))
-Pineapple Casserole!
-Whitney, Kate Gray, and newbie(s)
-Team Nashville and traveling mercies. Team Peru and traveling mercies
-I do have "bed bugs"...literally, from Nashville and yes, I have to throw some things away and wash everything and fumigate my car...but Paul almost died many times and Jesus was beaten and killed by His own people. Bugs the size of rice grains chose me as their food...big deal :)
-A praying family
-Nashville "Care Cards"!
-July the 4th
-This weekend!-God willing!
-Next week--God willing!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for the Father telling what to say and how to say this week during devo time!
Joyful: for His answered prayers this week
Prayerful: that these bed bugs will not live in our house nor the house of other Nashville peeps!
My first "whata-greatday" post since I left for Nashville Mission trip!
Just got down catching up on Bradely's "whata-greatday" posts. Bradley, seriously, those posts are God-ordained and Spirit Alive! Jesus "burned" my heart as I read them! We'll talk about 'em soon, God willing!
Let me tell you how generous and faithful God is. It has been said that if all the good things Jesus did on earth were recorded, there would not be enough books to contain them. So it is with God's generosity and faith. Not enough room in this post. However, here are some bullet points:
-Answered our fam's prayer for Genesis 28:15 reunion and Psalm 121...Psalm 5 and 91
-All healthy
-Gave me strength to drive 7 hours despite being up 'til 330am with a high school student in the E.R. (God saved him BIG TIME by the way :))
-Pineapple Casserole!
-Whitney, Kate Gray, and newbie(s)
-Team Nashville and traveling mercies. Team Peru and traveling mercies
-I do have "bed bugs"...literally, from Nashville and yes, I have to throw some things away and wash everything and fumigate my car...but Paul almost died many times and Jesus was beaten and killed by His own people. Bugs the size of rice grains chose me as their food...big deal :)
-A praying family
-Nashville "Care Cards"!
-July the 4th
-This weekend!-God willing!
-Next week--God willing!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for the Father telling what to say and how to say this week during devo time!
Joyful: for His answered prayers this week
Prayerful: that these bed bugs will not live in our house nor the house of other Nashville peeps!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Wow! I just had a God-Ordained thought as I am about to ace a practice mcat as I get one day closer to becoming a Doctor, God-Willing!
I started focusing on being Intense, zoned in, and excited about my studies. So as I opened up my computer, I saw the face of Intensity! So here is my picture definition of INTENSITY! My Amazing Niece! Enough Said!
Go be INTENSE today and have a great day, a "Whata-greatday!!!"
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: My Niece and her INTENSITY!
Joyful: For having an INTENSE family who lives out their passions!
Prayerful: For the Attitude of Christ in all that we do! (Phil 2.5-11)
I started focusing on being Intense, zoned in, and excited about my studies. So as I opened up my computer, I saw the face of Intensity! So here is my picture definition of INTENSITY! My Amazing Niece! Enough Said!
Go be INTENSE today and have a great day, a "Whata-greatday!!!"
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: My Niece and her INTENSITY!
Joyful: For having an INTENSE family who lives out their passions!
Prayerful: For the Attitude of Christ in all that we do! (Phil 2.5-11)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Praise God!
Praise God! Whata-greatday! Amen!
Had awesome 'Wasted Time' this morning and through-out the day! It's becoming as natural as breathing!
Intense Studies, aced Kaplan FL 2, can't wait to take it under timed conditions tomorrow God-Willing!
Major workout on The Track! 3 x 200m, moderate tempo style. Goal was to run each one under 30 secs! {27 secs, 2 min rest...28 secs with 3 mins rest...27.5 sec}
Ethiopian Organic Brew with Naner Smoodie for PWM!
Dinner with the fam! Tilapia, lentils, broccoli, salad!
Talked with Jeffrey! Whoo! He hanging in Nash @ BN!!! Praise You God! So great to hear from MaTwin, God save them and grant them success! Gen 28.15, Ps 121, 2 Thess 3.1
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For being able to have technology and communicate with family and mission teams
Joyful: Living in The US! look forward to celebrating July 4th with the fam and Jeff's return God-Willing!
Prayerful: Lord Heal Us, unspoken on this post, but spoken now in my heart! Thank You Healer! You Are The Almighty! Amen! JIL!
Had awesome 'Wasted Time' this morning and through-out the day! It's becoming as natural as breathing!
Intense Studies, aced Kaplan FL 2, can't wait to take it under timed conditions tomorrow God-Willing!
Major workout on The Track! 3 x 200m, moderate tempo style. Goal was to run each one under 30 secs! {27 secs, 2 min rest...28 secs with 3 mins rest...27.5 sec}
Ethiopian Organic Brew with Naner Smoodie for PWM!
Dinner with the fam! Tilapia, lentils, broccoli, salad!
Talked with Jeffrey! Whoo! He hanging in Nash @ BN!!! Praise You God! So great to hear from MaTwin, God save them and grant them success! Gen 28.15, Ps 121, 2 Thess 3.1
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For being able to have technology and communicate with family and mission teams
Joyful: Living in The US! look forward to celebrating July 4th with the fam and Jeff's return God-Willing!
Prayerful: Lord Heal Us, unspoken on this post, but spoken now in my heart! Thank You Healer! You Are The Almighty! Amen! JIL!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Nashville Mission!
Great day! Whoo! Harooh! PX Amen! JIL!
• Prayed for TeamNashville, TeamPeru
• Intense Iron Training Session
• Mexican Shade Grown, Naner Smoodie
• Hang Time with The Fam
• Texting With Jeff, who was talking with a buddy of ours (Jeff, you know who:). He is in Nashville serving Humanity with The Love Of Christ! Leading His Team with Character and Courage! Ps 121 and Gen 28.15, May the message of the Lord spread rapidly and be honored (From 2 Thess 3.1)
Work and Study, Dinner With The Fam! Moroccan Chicken with Lentils and Salad, major eat clean meal!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For The Holy Spirit constantly counseling us and leading us to rise to new heights! For Blessed Travels for TeamNashville, and God-Willing TeamPeru
Joyful: Family, Heatlth, Opportunity to live like Jesus Lived (1 John 2.6)
Prayerful: Jesus, shape our family's character to live as you lived, to live as you died, and to live in The Victory of Your Resurrection!
• Prayed for TeamNashville, TeamPeru
• Intense Iron Training Session
• Mexican Shade Grown, Naner Smoodie
• Hang Time with The Fam
• Texting With Jeff, who was talking with a buddy of ours (Jeff, you know who:). He is in Nashville serving Humanity with The Love Of Christ! Leading His Team with Character and Courage! Ps 121 and Gen 28.15, May the message of the Lord spread rapidly and be honored (From 2 Thess 3.1)
Work and Study, Dinner With The Fam! Moroccan Chicken with Lentils and Salad, major eat clean meal!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For The Holy Spirit constantly counseling us and leading us to rise to new heights! For Blessed Travels for TeamNashville, and God-Willing TeamPeru
Joyful: Family, Heatlth, Opportunity to live like Jesus Lived (1 John 2.6)
Prayerful: Jesus, shape our family's character to live as you lived, to live as you died, and to live in The Victory of Your Resurrection!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Cool Thought, I Want Jesus!
1844 hours, Holy Spirit just gave me a cool thought! PX! Jeff wrote an amazing Prayer titled, "I Want Jesus!" I have read this many times and Prayed through it many times, and it ROCKS MaWorld every Praise God time!!! The most recent Praying and reading through it was yesterdeeee, so I am thinking, Jeff, you have got to use this and turn it into a "Manifesto" like "Lion Chaser Manifesto" or perhaps some sort of "Core Value" for when you start a Church!!!
Here is a link to the original post of this Holy Ghost Inspired Prayer! Enjoy!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: How The Holy Spirit speaks through Jeffrey!
Joyful: That Jesus wants Us!
Prayerful: I Want Jesus!
Here is a link to the original post of this Holy Ghost Inspired Prayer! Enjoy!!!
I want Jesus!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: How The Holy Spirit speaks through Jeffrey!
Joyful: That Jesus wants Us!
Prayerful: I Want Jesus!
Prayer & Parfait! Whata-Great Day!
Dude! Only 1100 hours and I am already able to write an entry today!
0730 - Prayer and Study at Sbx - had a French Press Organic Mexican Shade Grown ever cup of brew at Sbx to date!
0730 - 0900: Lion Chaser Prayer for BigBro, Prayer For Fam...exchanged text msgs with MaTwin about His Church Planting and ARC, his breakfast with his fam! I bet KG had cheese Grits, right Jeff!
0900-1000: mcat study and acing
1000: went to the crib and had parfait and Prayer with CC...Rock's MaWorld! (How do like the looks of that :) want one don't you!! Jeffrey, we got one for you! Gen 28.15 God-Willing! I believe! Amen!
1100: Read Jeff's most recent post to this blog! Rocks MaWorld Again!
1114: About to study more in preparation to taking down the mcat!!! Slinging my stone on Sept 12! PX! Amen!
Can't wait to read future blog's of Jeffrey's and keep up with him next week!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: Technology and the ability to keep in touch with the Fam and how God is working in the world through it!
Joyful: The ultimate community: Family
Prayerful: For Jeffrey's Trip with Team Nashville, Wes and Team Peru. Jeff's Ordaining and Church Planting: ARC. Family to be Lion Chasers and to Trust God so much that the biggest risk seem like the smallest steps!
0730 - Prayer and Study at Sbx - had a French Press Organic Mexican Shade Grown ever cup of brew at Sbx to date!
0730 - 0900: Lion Chaser Prayer for BigBro, Prayer For Fam...exchanged text msgs with MaTwin about His Church Planting and ARC, his breakfast with his fam! I bet KG had cheese Grits, right Jeff!
0900-1000: mcat study and acing
1000: went to the crib and had parfait and Prayer with CC...Rock's MaWorld! (How do like the looks of that :) want one don't you!! Jeffrey, we got one for you! Gen 28.15 God-Willing! I believe! Amen!
1100: Read Jeff's most recent post to this blog! Rocks MaWorld Again!
1114: About to study more in preparation to taking down the mcat!!! Slinging my stone on Sept 12! PX! Amen!
Can't wait to read future blog's of Jeffrey's and keep up with him next week!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: Technology and the ability to keep in touch with the Fam and how God is working in the world through it!
Joyful: The ultimate community: Family
Prayerful: For Jeffrey's Trip with Team Nashville, Wes and Team Peru. Jeff's Ordaining and Church Planting: ARC. Family to be Lion Chasers and to Trust God so much that the biggest risk seem like the smallest steps!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Moma did it again!
Man Oh Man! Moma did it again!
(1) Oatmeal cake with warm carmalized bananas! You have no idea of the WARM BUTTERY TASTE...I'm freakin' out! Thanks big time mom for your shopping, cooking, smiling, and laughing! Praise Christ!
(2) Protein bars- oatmeal, flaxseed, whey; did I say I was freakin' out...right Brad? Dude!
(3) Casidilla's- organic refried beans, brownrice, peppers, tomatoes, and a TON OF LOVE...CC's BEST INGREDIENT!
(4) Rockin' salad with her special lemon dressing :)
(5) Organic Fairtrade Shadegrown Ethopian brew...RICH, DARK, and BUBBLY...right twin?!
Of course, the Dr. made his famous 'naner smoodies...'naner chips, choc chips, nutmeg, cinamin, agave nectar (organic)! Had all this for a post workout meal...workout was rockin' this morning...speed, tempo, speed reps for legs and upper body with ma twin! Answered prayer...thanks God!
Church work
Picked up KG early from daycare!
CC and Uncle Bradley cared for KG...played and prayed for/with her!
Shopped for Nashville...saw dad before I left for home!
Macaroni Grilled it with my gorgeous wife, Mary, and Phil! Got the insalata blue and side order of broccoli...good stuff...gonna be my regular order from now on :)...except, make sure they hold the dressing and cheese next time!
Did a load of clothes
Took a nap with KG, fell asleep, Whit joined us, woke up, fed KG...typed this entry!
Gonna go read "Medicine N your Soul blog"!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for God being a Father! For Friday, safe travels for all, Whitney's curtains and her fam's help! For God saving KG from her 101.9 temperature and for her Daycare people loving her! For podcasting and blogs!
Joyful: for my family loving KG and taking care of her...for cherished mornings like today with family and food! For God's salvation in Jesus through His Blessed Spirit!
Prayerful: for twin's mcat and Genesis 28:15 reunion with all family!
(1) Oatmeal cake with warm carmalized bananas! You have no idea of the WARM BUTTERY TASTE...I'm freakin' out! Thanks big time mom for your shopping, cooking, smiling, and laughing! Praise Christ!
(2) Protein bars- oatmeal, flaxseed, whey; did I say I was freakin' out...right Brad? Dude!
(3) Casidilla's- organic refried beans, brownrice, peppers, tomatoes, and a TON OF LOVE...CC's BEST INGREDIENT!
(4) Rockin' salad with her special lemon dressing :)
(5) Organic Fairtrade Shadegrown Ethopian brew...RICH, DARK, and BUBBLY...right twin?!
Of course, the Dr. made his famous 'naner smoodies...'naner chips, choc chips, nutmeg, cinamin, agave nectar (organic)! Had all this for a post workout meal...workout was rockin' this morning...speed, tempo, speed reps for legs and upper body with ma twin! Answered prayer...thanks God!
Church work
Picked up KG early from daycare!
CC and Uncle Bradley cared for KG...played and prayed for/with her!
Shopped for Nashville...saw dad before I left for home!
Macaroni Grilled it with my gorgeous wife, Mary, and Phil! Got the insalata blue and side order of broccoli...good stuff...gonna be my regular order from now on :)...except, make sure they hold the dressing and cheese next time!
Did a load of clothes
Took a nap with KG, fell asleep, Whit joined us, woke up, fed KG...typed this entry!
Gonna go read "Medicine N your Soul blog"!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for God being a Father! For Friday, safe travels for all, Whitney's curtains and her fam's help! For God saving KG from her 101.9 temperature and for her Daycare people loving her! For podcasting and blogs!
Joyful: for my family loving KG and taking care of her...for cherished mornings like today with family and food! For God's salvation in Jesus through His Blessed Spirit!
Prayerful: for twin's mcat and Genesis 28:15 reunion with all family!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Couldn't agree more!
Ma twin said it best! What a day on the track today! See the post below this one!
We had organic shade grown fair trade Larry Bean Ethopian brew today! Yea!
The LORD gave me the idea to create a FUSION BLOG! Pumped about it!
Became a "tweeter"!
Had a bannana smoodie! Thanks to mama and brew bro!
Intense prayer with Justin on and off the track!
Cherished every moment with KG and Whitdog!
Look, live every moment with your family in joy and Brad said in His 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal: Joyful for mom's smile and laughter! Amen to Christ on that one!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for God speaking to me and my family. For the past promises He has given us and being able to "see" them come alive! What a generous God who speaks when He does not "have" to!
Joyful: Like bro said: for mom's smile and laughter! For food and clean drinking water...for KG running around like jugger naught tonight making Whit and me crack up! For God's protection on ma family!
Prayer: For the country
We had organic shade grown fair trade Larry Bean Ethopian brew today! Yea!
The LORD gave me the idea to create a FUSION BLOG! Pumped about it!
Became a "tweeter"!
Had a bannana smoodie! Thanks to mama and brew bro!
Intense prayer with Justin on and off the track!
Cherished every moment with KG and Whitdog!
Look, live every moment with your family in joy and Brad said in His 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal: Joyful for mom's smile and laughter! Amen to Christ on that one!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for God speaking to me and my family. For the past promises He has given us and being able to "see" them come alive! What a generous God who speaks when He does not "have" to!
Joyful: Like bro said: for mom's smile and laughter! For food and clean drinking water...for KG running around like jugger naught tonight making Whit and me crack up! For God's protection on ma family!
Prayer: For the country
Insanity On The Track!
Whoo! Jeff and I blitzed it on the track today! Holy Spirit Ordained workout of what we call the "Destin Workout" because it is a great way to train in Destin in our condo complex!
1 x 800m in 2 min 45 secs
1 min rest
1 x 400m in 72 secs
1 min rest
1 x 300m in 46 secs
You have to be a "man-child" to do this workout in 90 degree heat! Praise God for the health and the gifts and the "Prayer" to run!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: The Gift to Worship God in many ways, one of my favorite is Training on The Track with maTwin Bro!
Joyful: Mom's smile and laughter!
Prayerful: Praises to God and humble intercession for Him to continue splitting Red Sea's for Dad's business, Mom's Creativity, Whit's job, Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Bry's Leadership, Rach's schooling, R&S Dreams, KG's Influence, and Newbie(s) entrance into the world, my acing of the mcat and entrance into MedSchool!
1 x 800m in 2 min 45 secs
1 min rest
1 x 400m in 72 secs
1 min rest
1 x 300m in 46 secs
You have to be a "man-child" to do this workout in 90 degree heat! Praise God for the health and the gifts and the "Prayer" to run!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: The Gift to Worship God in many ways, one of my favorite is Training on The Track with maTwin Bro!
Joyful: Mom's smile and laughter!
Prayerful: Praises to God and humble intercession for Him to continue splitting Red Sea's for Dad's business, Mom's Creativity, Whit's job, Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Bry's Leadership, Rach's schooling, R&S Dreams, KG's Influence, and Newbie(s) entrance into the world, my acing of the mcat and entrance into MedSchool!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Make Me Better!
Great day of Prayer, Study, Work, Track, Family Hang out time! Ran track today in "lunatic" style with my Twin...the dude flat out makes me better! Praise God! Our goal was 80% to 90% of our max for today's training, so We did 1 x 350 in 48 sec, 90 secs rest, 1 x 200 in 26 secs, 4 min rest, and 1 x 200 in 25 secs! INTENSE! There is something about pushing yourself to your physical limits, a spiritual and mental aspect that ties into it that you must experience to live life to the fullest! What a way to Praise God!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For living with purpose and having family who makes me better!
Joyful: for People who invest in people
Prayerful: For The Holy Spirit and the opportunity to be a Temple of The Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6.19)...The Holy Spirit can do in and through us more than we can ever imagine!!!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For living with purpose and having family who makes me better!
Joyful: for People who invest in people
Prayerful: For The Holy Spirit and the opportunity to be a Temple of The Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6.19)...The Holy Spirit can do in and through us more than we can ever imagine!!!
Yesterday and!
Hey! my twin said, made us an omelette...dancin' tastebuds! I had an eggwrap, mom's Joe's special...hung out with Whit and KG...saw the parent in laws...had a good with my pastor...
Today...Praise God, had a great Lion Chaser study with 7-9 grade guys...talked about overcoming adversity and embracing uncertainty...hung out at Buffalo Wild wings!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for my fam, food on the table, a great youth ministry position, a dad who helped out my wife with her vocational options, the cpa who helped out as well. Thankful also for Seth who bought the Lion Chaser book and for Steve's encouragement! Thankful for the Lion Chasers God has brought to the study and to the lunch!
Joyful: for people who actually care
Prayerful: For the church, for upcoming 7th graders, youth group, family. I prayed the song titled, "Lead me to the Cross" by Hillsongs for them all! I pray the Lion Chaser tribe will continue even though we will have to miss some weeks due to the misson trips and summer retreat my twin said, made us an omelette...dancin' tastebuds! I had an eggwrap, mom's Joe's special...hung out with Whit and KG...saw the parent in laws...had a good with my pastor...
Today...Praise God, had a great Lion Chaser study with 7-9 grade guys...talked about overcoming adversity and embracing uncertainty...hung out at Buffalo Wild wings!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for my fam, food on the table, a great youth ministry position, a dad who helped out my wife with her vocational options, the cpa who helped out as well. Thankful also for Seth who bought the Lion Chaser book and for Steve's encouragement! Thankful for the Lion Chasers God has brought to the study and to the lunch!
Joyful: for people who actually care
Prayerful: For the church, for upcoming 7th graders, youth group, family. I prayed the song titled, "Lead me to the Cross" by Hillsongs for them all! I pray the Lion Chaser tribe will continue even though we will have to miss some weeks due to the misson trips and summer retreat
Monday, June 23, 2008
Hanz N Franz; MomOmelette
Yea, I echo Franz's post! Major workout this morning with great post workout meal and hang time with The Fam! Linked it with Prayer of Ps 34, Ps 119 for maNiece, and Ps 91!
Studied some Bio for the mcat that I am going to ace and then met up with Franz and The Momz for an out-of-this world MomOmelette with Ezekiel Toast! Wow!
At work now, gonna do some studying and some hanging out! PX!
Look forward God-Willing to Joe's Special tonight for dinner, hang time with TheFam, and some mcat study, gonna ace it, gonna ace it!! JIL!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For Fam, TwinBro who makes me better, food on the table, Health, opportunity
Joyful: For each day and for chasing lions
Prayerful: Health, Safety, and to be risk-takers, lion chasers for Christ; to shine for His Glory!
Studied some Bio for the mcat that I am going to ace and then met up with Franz and The Momz for an out-of-this world MomOmelette with Ezekiel Toast! Wow!
At work now, gonna do some studying and some hanging out! PX!
Look forward God-Willing to Joe's Special tonight for dinner, hang time with TheFam, and some mcat study, gonna ace it, gonna ace it!! JIL!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: For Fam, TwinBro who makes me better, food on the table, Health, opportunity
Joyful: For each day and for chasing lions
Prayerful: Health, Safety, and to be risk-takers, lion chasers for Christ; to shine for His Glory!
Hanz and Franz!
Incredible workout with ma bro this morning! He came up with a "track-simulated" workout:
Each set was an "in and out". 10-20 speed reps followed by 5 slow reps (5-8 second negative or 5-8 concentric or mix 'em within the 5 reps) followed by 5-10 speed reps!
Killer post workout meal! Bannna Smoodies, grits, chocolate muffins, pound cake, fellowship with the momz and dad!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for a twin bro to workout with!
Joyful: for a good morning with KG and "the wife" as she went to work! Changed KG's doo-doo diaper!
Prayerful: Prayed for health, safety, and for harvest workers (Matthew 9:38)!
Each set was an "in and out". 10-20 speed reps followed by 5 slow reps (5-8 second negative or 5-8 concentric or mix 'em within the 5 reps) followed by 5-10 speed reps!
Killer post workout meal! Bannna Smoodies, grits, chocolate muffins, pound cake, fellowship with the momz and dad!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful: for a twin bro to workout with!
Joyful: for a good morning with KG and "the wife" as she went to work! Changed KG's doo-doo diaper!
Prayerful: Prayed for health, safety, and for harvest workers (Matthew 9:38)!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Praise the Father...Pan Asia...Prince Caspian!
Man, whata-greatday today! Praise God! We had church. Nashville team was commissioned and prayed for by the congregation. I hung out with Whit and KG before church. Had lunch with the crew at Pan Asia! Went to see Prince Caspian with the Whitner while the fam played with KG!
Prince Caspian is great! Of course it had a lot of good "preaching" scenes with Aslan! One I love is when Lucy is desperately seeking Aslan, the Christ figure, in the woods to help save Narnia. He basically told Lucy, when no one believed that she saw him earlier, not to stop seeking him just because no one else believes!
After Caspian, Whit and I hung out with the fam! I made a bannana smootie, ate beans and corn, came home and prayed with Scripture meditation.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful for: Worshiping God and time with the family!
Joyful for: Money to eat and watch movies...a family who loves our their granddaughter and niece!
Prayerful for: "Into the Father's hand" family prayers! Scripture and God's protection for Bryan's travels!
Prince Caspian is great! Of course it had a lot of good "preaching" scenes with Aslan! One I love is when Lucy is desperately seeking Aslan, the Christ figure, in the woods to help save Narnia. He basically told Lucy, when no one believed that she saw him earlier, not to stop seeking him just because no one else believes!
After Caspian, Whit and I hung out with the fam! I made a bannana smootie, ate beans and corn, came home and prayed with Scripture meditation.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Thankful for: Worshiping God and time with the family!
Joyful for: Money to eat and watch movies...a family who loves our their granddaughter and niece!
Prayerful for: "Into the Father's hand" family prayers! Scripture and God's protection for Bryan's travels!
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