Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 11th! Happy 4th! Gen 28.15!

Genesis 28:15
I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."

Praise God, Jeff had amazing travels to, journey's within, and a Gen 28.15 Reuniting back home with the fam!

I know and I believe that The Message of The Lord was spread rapidly and it was honored (2 Thessalonians 3:1) during his time there with TeamNashville!

Great celebration of July 4th with the fam, I love getting together with everyone for the 3 F's...Food, Family, Fun...Everybody wanted Jeff back for the party, but Praise God he made it back soon afterwards and is probably hugging his two Warrior Princesses right now and Praying over his Newbie(s)!

Speaking of Warrior Princesses, not only did we celebrate the 4th, we also celebrated the 11th on the 4th! SweetPea celebrated her 11 Month Birthday Celebration today! Man, she
was walking, waving, and worshiping all over the place today, she is so full of life....

Some highlights of SweetPea today:
• She was in the pool with Phil and a bunch of us were hanging out under the overhang, it was like we were the audience and she was on center stage, she turns and looks at all of us with a Huge Smile and starts waving, making eye contact with everyone!!!

• Waking up while we were on our way out. She is so sweet right when she wakes up. She "bear hugs" Mom and Dad and lays her head right down on their shoulder, totally content and happy to be with Taser and CC!

• See her kick her legs and swim with Whit spot swimming with her...SweetPeas is FEARLESS!

• The Picture I got of her! Had to MultiMedia it to Jeffrey for his drive home so he could have a pic of her on her 11th Celebration! See above pic! PX! Amen!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:

Thankful: For Jeff's Return and how God worked through and in Jeff and TeamNashville!; SweetPea's 11th; Freedom, Founding Fathers, and Fighters of America! For G's and Whit's Healing!

Red, White, Blue...Family and The Promise of New Family!

Prayerful: For Fam to be together Healthy and Strong for SweetPea's One Year Birthday! For CC's appt to be all good and healthy! For Jeff's healing of the bed bugs! Mom and Dad's Travels Tomorrow!

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