Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rev. Jeff!

"It's not about doing...It's About Being...We need to stop 'doing' our devotionals and start 'BEING' with Jesus!" ~Jeff Nesbit~

Before it was even 1015 hours on this Sunday morning, I was already Blessed beyond measure! I had the opportunity to hear Jeffrey speak The Inspired Living and Breathing Word of God and have Jesus revealed to me (Galatians 1.15-17) in such an incredible new perspective!

"Rev. Jeff" taught CUMC and myself this morning that our Devotionals are not something we do, just one more thing to add to our task list, but rather it is Being With Jesus! If we were to take guitar lessons for 1 hour/day with John Mayer as opposed to 1 hour/week, people would be able to tell we have been with a master guitar player. So it is with our lives. When we spend an hour a day Being with Jesus instead of only an hour a week doing church, people will tell we have been with The Master! Thanks Champ! Jesus has rocked my world through you again, you are always making me better!

Later we had lunch with the NesbitNucleus @ at one of our favorite Italian bistro's! Now I am about to go and ace mcat studies!

Praise God! I look forward to the rest of this great day God-Willing! Soli Deo Gloria!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:

For being able to hear MaTwin Preach The Word of God!

Joyful: For a new Perspective of Devotions. I want to Be with Jesus instead of doing devotionals.

Prayerful: For Phil's Recovery (Praise God for how well he is doing!)... For Bryan's Travels this week... Praise to God The Healer For Dad and myself healing from our colds...For Jeff's Ordination and Church Planting, Book Writing, my mcat acing and entering into the Promise Land of MedSchool! For Whit's new job! For unspoken appts and health request...

Praise God For Kate Gray's Birthday and for us all to being together and healthy for it! For many more Birthday's and all days now and forevermore! PX and JIL! Amen! Just Say The Word Lord (Luke 7.7)! Amen! For Constant Creativity!

Praise Be To God For Jeffrey's Sermon this morning! - Lord God, You have set Jeff apart from birth[a] and You have called Jeff by Your grace, Thank You for Your pleasure to reveal Your Son in Jeffrey so that he might preach Jesus among the Gentiles. Thank You Lord God for Speaking through Jeff this morning and please continue to do so every time he preaches and in every second of his life, that all who see him and hear him, will see You and hear You, and may all be saved. Thank You Lord God. In Jesus Name! Amen! (From Galatians 1.15-18 NIV) & (1 Timothy 4.15-16 MSG)

Goo'day mate!

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