Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lion Chaser Tuesday!

Praise the Lion of Judah!

Had another incredible "Lion Chaser" study with guys! Talked about being "risk" takers in the Kingdom of God (2 Samuel 23; Matthew 25)! Based off of the chapter in Mark's book and the Holy Spirit's prayers for me, I am going to write some life goals and pray to accomplish everyone of them...as I was thinking about the goals, God has enabled me to have already accomplish many of them...maybe I will post about them soon!
  • Had a great time driving with my wife and daughter to the day care and office...sharing one car can be such a great bonding time....it's the case of God taking something stressful...bed bugs and making something blessed and eternal through it! Thank You Father!
  • Wow! Intense 3x200m with Animal!
  • Kia dealership went the "and then some" with the engine! Another shout out to God for early detection...He is faithful in answering this prayer for health and safety countless of times!
  • Praise God for a healthy lab result for moma! Thank You Almighty Physician!
  • Praise God for safe plane travels for Bryan and car travels for us all...Dad went New Orleans!
  • Incredible "D-moments" with Brad! As always...the guy is on fire for the One who is a "Consuming Fire"!
  • Shared Mexican Shade Grown with moma! My family was so generous with food, love, and taking me places today!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:

for such a 'great day'; for God's protection on the people of Peru and Team Peru from the 6.0 earthquake; for the above praises!

Joyful: for God putting His Spirit within us and causing us to "burn" for the passions He has placed within us

Prayerful: for my family and the students to become Lion Chasers...to write, pray through, and fulfill life, Scriptural based goals...goals that only Lion Chasers would write and dare to see become a reality; to become a "risk taker" for the Kingdom of God

Goo'day mate!

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