Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Grace Not Guilt!

I have been Praying for God to show me what He wants to do within me so He can Bless what is around me and for me to be an instrument for Him to work through and Man, does He answer BIG time!

His Answers so far....1. Start Risking, 2. Stop Hiding, 3. Receive His Grace

He has led me to amazing discussions with Jeff, Books Like Lion Chaser, Matthew 25...I have been blogging like crazy and BAM! Jeff's blogs about "Where are you?" and
Where are you? Part II have punched me in the core! Not a coincidence either! God's timing is AMAZING!

Here is a post on my thoughts inspire from Jeff's "Where are you?" series and how he led me to study risk from Matthew 25...

Close To Comfort, Far From God?

Time To Invest:Nothing To Lose, Everything To Gain

Grace Not Guilt
Major Devo time with TheJeff today! All of this "Take Risks," "Stop Hiding," "Receive Grace," stirring of The Holy Spirit really hit an exclamation point today when Jeff told me how to receive "Grace Not Guilt!" What a "3 AM" statement and a statement I will remember for Eternity! Holy Spirit speaking through you Jeffrey! Praise God For You BroTwin! BrewBro! Whoo!

It comes down to this: when past sins creep up in your mind, satan, being the loser accuser that he is, tries to make you feel so guilty and so worthless by making you think about them and remember them... But the Law Of Perspective says to change your thinking...Instead of focusing on your past sins and drowning in guilt, let them be a reminder of God's Amazing Grace, Motivating you to receive His Grace and to live for Him now and forevermore with Dangerously Faithful Reckless Abandon!

Track, Studies, RDB!
Blessed Day indeed! The Beast and I ran an open 800m in 2 mins 37 sec and and 2 mins 25 sec respectively, absolutely amazing when we were shooting for a 2 min 50 secs! We are going to set a Tuesday series of 800's and shoot for a goal of an open 800m in 2.00 mins! God-Willing, it will happen! Amen!
Sermon Prep and Studies, knocking it out! Jeff preparing for His "Deeper" Sermon that is going to rock the house! Lord speak through Jeffrey that all who see and hear him, see and hear You, may all be saved!

RDB MSG style! Got to love the foam! Great Pouring today Jeffrey, as usual! Harooh!

KG and Mathias
Finished up the day with work and studies, ordered some vitamin D3, had sweet tater, chicken, and lima beans compliments of CC....then, played with KG, Prayed over her while she slept, and hung out with TheFam when Jeff came over to pick up his wonderful daughter! Praise God!

Viewed Video of KG eating Bananas with Whit and Jeff! Absolutely Amazing! Going to put the clips in KG's Birthday Video! Dude, it is going to Rock! KG is so Beautiful, I had to post 4 still frames from the video to her awesome blog...Bananas KG Style!

Read 2 letters from Mathias...Blows my mind how we can be connected! Praise God for technology and mail! The dude just turned 4 on June 21...sent him $ for a birthday present and he was able to buy a synthetic fleece jacket with it...his tutor said it was an amazing blessing...he drew me two pictures and sent me an updated photo of himself! I must scan it in a post it soon!...He wants to know Mom and Dad's name so he can Pray for them...uh....can you say "MasterCard Moment!" Thank you God for Mathias (and Jefferson) and their Families Lord, Save them, use them, stir their souls to live for you and change Peru! To You Be The Glory!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 journal:

Grace not guilt, KG's smile and the sound of her voice; for "Kate Kong!" CC's Multi-Tasking, Taser's ability to put food on our table! For the health and camaraderie of family!

Joyful: For having the Blessed opportunity to be an answer to one of Jeffs' LC goals of seeing someone experience Salvation in a new way! I owe you BIG Time Jeffrey! Joyful that Mathias has a new fleece jacket and for his updated photograph!

Prayerful: For our family to know of God's Grace, for KG and her upcoming Birthday, for Mathias, Jefferson and their Families. For Team Copperhill, that The Word of God would spread rapidly and be honored and a whole 2 Thess 3 Prayer for them! Mom and Whit's Appt, Phil's Recovery, Dad's business deals, Bryan's travels to SC next week, Jeff's Preaching and Writing, all of our travels, my mcat acing (Slinging My Stone, Time To Scrub In!)

Goo'day mate!

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