Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cool Thought, I Want Jesus!

1844 hours, Holy Spirit just gave me a cool thought! PX! Jeff wrote an amazing Prayer titled, "I Want Jesus!" I have read this many times and Prayed through it many times, and it ROCKS MaWorld every Praise God time!!! The most recent Praying and reading through it was yesterdeeee, so I am thinking, Jeff, you have got to use this and turn it into a "Manifesto" like "Lion Chaser Manifesto" or perhaps some sort of "Core Value" for when you start a Church!!!

Here is a link to the original post of this Holy Ghost Inspired Prayer! Enjoy!!!

I want Jesus!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:

: How The Holy Spirit speaks through Jeffrey!

Joyful: That Jesus wants Us!

: I Want Jesus!

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