Monday, July 7, 2008

God is faithful

I just can't get over God's faithfulness!

Had a great drive to the daycare and to work with Whitney (sharing a car)!

Incredible workout with Bradley!

Incredible post-workout meal! Naner smoodie...Mexican Shade Grown...grits...moma's oatmeal!

Caught up on some blog reading!

Did some Luke 5 study!

Took the Kia in for oil change...PRAISE GOD...they told us the Kia had a RECALL on the engine! Taking it in tomorrow morning to get worked on!

Picked up Whit and KG...watched 10,000 B.C....watermelon...yogurt...mixed berries for dinner!

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:

for a family who cares for me; for God promising and giving me an amazing and indescribable wife and daughter! For His promise for future children and Jeremiah 29:11!

Joyful: for food, opportunity to pay have the ability to walk, talk, run, read, etc.

Prayerful: for a Lion Chaser July (along with Brad)! For health unspoken! For the faith of Jesus; the faith of Hebrews 11; the faith of Habakkuk; the obedience of Jesus in Philippians 2; for the vision of God

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