Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cold Hot Contrast

Cold and Hot Contrast and a little date pudding
Whata-greatday!I don't know about you, but nothing beats a cold contrast of rich chocolate organic brownies with chocolate ganash, and organic frozen cookies and cream yogurt made by Super Moma, shared with my twin bro! Did I mentioned something called "date pudding"...oh yea, that was in the mix as well my friend! Carmely, nutting, date pudding!!!

Early Out of the Blocks
I was blessed by God the Father to wake up to His voice at 3:00am...pray over my beautiful wife, daughter, and son...train people in fitness from 545am to 1030am; study the book of Exodus while my bro was studying for the MCAT and my mom was painting her bathroom! Got to see dad earlier and he shared his cop stories...always a hoot!

Rock and Role Express Time
Got home, held my boy and played around with him while he blew bubbles...watched the Smurfs with my daughter in her purple chair...ate mint dark chocolate...70% cocoa!

Meditate Day and Night on God's Word
Gonna pray and bible study some more later...my daughter is messing with my feet right now as I write this! Can't wait for the prettiest and funnest woman alive to get home!

Live because we will die
Hey listen, in response to such a great day, let me leave you with one final thought: Andy Stanley asked the question in Part 9 of his Defining Moments sermon series, "How would we live differntely if we believed each day would be our last?" Whether you believe in absolute truth or not, there is an absolute truth that no one can deny. It is this: we are all going to die. How would you have lived differently if today was your last? Would you have taken time to laugh more, pray more, invest in family more? Would you have made chocolate chip cookies and put frozen yogurt in between them? I would have! Think about this truth as you set your alarm for tomorrow morning, God willing, we have one... How will you live tomorrow?

Let that truth be the context for how you live your life...in how you make your decisions...in how you pray and spend time/money, laugh, have conversation with family, seek the lost, etc...

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Journal:
Joyful: for family
Pray: for persecuted Christians
Thankful: for Christ perspective